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For Organizations

Intent of Telework

Management Concerns

Building a Telework Program


This section of the toolkit is divided into three subsections:

The first section emphasizes the importance of having a clear understanding of the intent of the program; which may be different for management and employees. Having a clear vision of what telework is intended to accomplish is critical to all the decisions involved in developing and implementing a program.

The second section addresses some of the most common concerns of management; topics such as security, productivity, and costs.

The third section, designed for the telework project team, provides step-by-step guidance for creating a telework program. This section includes topics such as setting goals, determining appropriate tasks for telework, creating a telework policy and agreement, and making decisions about equipment.

The toolkit is designed to be used by a broad range of organization types and sizes. Even though not every issue addressed in this section applies to every organization, the team should review each topic to make a determination as to relevance.

If you haven't already done so, read Benefits for Organizations and Q&A for Organizations in the About Telework section of the toolkit.

In the Toolkit

Benefits for Organizations.

Q&A for Organizations.


On the Web

This will contain links to related information on the Internet

About the Telework Pilot Project

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This page was last updated on June 7, 2009