Discussion forums provide a web-based place to leave questions or comments, with replies and
continuing conversation. Unlike Instant Messaging, which is live, forums, often called "Bulletin Boards"
can be visited at any time.
Use discussion forums when participants have conversations that are not highly time-dependent or,
that need to be recorded for reference. Forums are also excellent tools for making information
available to broad numbers of people. Forums can be used for brainstorming and collaboration, or
as a site where members can ask for advice from experts or other members.
Topics of discussion in a forum can become an archive that can be used by future users.
Forum hosts may need to 'seed' the forums with interesting conversations to keep forums active.
Hosts may also need to appoint moderators to ensure appropriateness of conversations. Questions
should be answered within a set timeframe (such as 24-48 hours). If questions go unanswered, users
stop using the resource.
To host a discussion forum requires a server and forum software. Look for these features in
discussion forum software:
- Role-based access control (security) - such as administrators, editors,
contributors, readers
- Control of who opens threads and who can close them
- Identification of threads as Urgent
- Locking of threads
- Attaching of files to threads or replies
- Notification (subscription) about new threads
- Assignment of keywords in threads
- Expiration of threads
- Archival of threads
- Personalization (a photo or avatar, signature, or interests)