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"Telework", "Telecommuting", "Distributed Work", "Remote Work"; all these terms refer to working from a location other than the central office at least part of the time. Few teleworkers work remotely all of the time.

There is nothing new about the idea of working remotely. For years, companies have had employees who worked from home at least some of the time. It was once very common for small-scale piece-work to be done from the home ... hand work with hand tools. When machinery replaced hand tools, workers had to work from central locations. But today we can work at home again, only today's hand tools are laptops and PDA's, and it is now people who work with their minds instead of their hands who are most likely to work remotely.

Telework may be "regular" or "occasional". Regular teleworkers work from an alternate location (usually the home office) on a regular schedule; most often 1, 2, or 3 days a week. There are some employees who telework full-time, only visiting the office for occasional meetings or other events. Occasional teleworkers don't have a regular schedule for teleworking, but work from home, a client's office, or other remote location as needed.

Other concepts that are frequently linked to telework are "Flextime", "Hot Desking", and "Hoteling" (See related concepts).

On the Web

Telework in Wikipedia

A good overview from Telework Exchange, although aimed primarily at teleworking in the federal governemnt, is useful for any employer.

The European Commission's MIRTI telework program includes a description of various Types of Teleweork.

About the Telework Pilot Project

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This page was last updated on July 7, 2009