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For Managers

The Reasons for Telework

Tips for Telework Managers

Evaluating a Request

Denying a Request

Evaluating Teleworkers

Terminating an Agreement


Some employees are just not suited for telework. If their performance suffers after beginning to telework, review the situation with the employee and determine if the poor performance is related to telework or if there is some other cause. If you determine they are having problems with the requirements of telework, discuss this with them and decide if you should give them a chance to improve or if you should cancel the telework arrangement. Keep in mind that for some employees it takes time to adjust to working on their own.

Your Telework Policy should include a clause that allows you to terminate the agreement for poor performance. This should not reflect poorly on the employee if they perform well in the normal work environment. It only means that they are not suited at this time for telework.

Terminating an agreement is easier on both manager and employee if the employee had a clear understanding of the policy, if the manager clearly communicated his or her expectations, and if there were frequent reviews to discuss progress. Terminating the agreement should not be arbitrary or appear arbitrary, or come out of the blue. Some policies provide a notice period to allow the employee to make any arrangements before returning to the regular office schedule. Your organizations may have grievance procedures the employee can use if they felt the agreement was terminated unjustly.

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This page was last updated on May 9, 2009