All of your employees should know about the telework program. They should also know that there is an
application and approval process, and that not every employee that applies will be approved. Employees
should have access to your organization's telework policy and any other relevant policies. You may also
have minimum requirements; for example, you may require that new employees work in the office for a minimum
period of time, say six months, before being eligible for telework. Some managers do this so employees will
become familiar with the people and procedures.
Before you interview an employee, make sure they read the For Employees section
of the toolkit. This will provide them a good idea of what is involved and their responsibilities as a teleworker.
Ask the employee to complete a self-assessment form. This will help them think through their suitability
for telework. You will probably want to review their completed form prior to the interview and possibly
use it during the interview.
Below are things to look for and some good points of discussion for the interview:
Motivation: Find out why the employee wants to telework. If their reason seems incompatible with good
work habits and productivity, they may not be a good candidate. You will have to make a judgment call as to
whether a teleworkers plans can work. Some teleworkers, for example, schedule a break when kids get home from
school, and then return to work later in the evening. This may be an acceptable arrangement as long as
teleworkers are accessible most of the time.
Teleworker Traits: Most experts agree the following are important characteristics for teleworkers.
Don't expect perfection, but discuss where employees may need to work on their skills (the self assessment
form comes in handy here). These are only guidelines. Every employee and every job is somewhat unique, so
you will have to trust your instincts. Just because an employee isn't "well organized", for example, may not
eliminate them from telework. Your own knowledge of the employee may override what the experts say:
- Knows their job well enough to work without frequent assistance
- Is well organized
- Has good time management skills
- Is self-disciplined; can work with minimal supervision
- Is not shy about communicating with colleagues
- Is familiar with the organization, mission, the culture, and the people
- Can work alone without feelings of isolation
- Can establish a work environment at home with minimal distractions
Appropriate Tasks: Discuss with the employee the type of work they will be doing from home. Most
employees will have a considerable amount of work that doesn't require them to be in the office, but there
are several considerations. Work is not appropriate for telework if:
- It requires a face-to-face meetings (Don't discount video conferencing/web
meeting tools, or employees meeting with clients in the client's office)
- If in-person team interaction is frequently required
- If the employee doesn't have the appropriate technology and tools in their
home office
- If there is an unacceptable security or confidentiality risk
Telework Environment: Make sure the employee can meet the organization's requirements for a suitable
workspace at home. Go over the home office checklist with the employee and discuss what the employee will
need to provide. The toolkit's Employee Page includes information about setting up a home office, although
the exact requirements may vary for each organization.
Once you've determined that an employee can telework, there are several topics you will want to address.
These may be covered in training or through one-on-one discussions:
Schedules: Determine a work schedule that considers the employee's preference, but still meets your
requirements for accessibility. It's good, whenever possible, to establish regular days and times for each
teleworker. It makes it easier on everyone else in the office.
Equipment: Your organization probably has a policy on equipment; what it will provide; what the employee
can provide. Within the bounds of the policy, you may be able to make some adjusts to better fit equipment to
the needs of individual employees. Some employees may need video conferencing software, while others don't.
Some may need a computer with more processing power, while others don't. As much as possible, select
equipment that will maximize an employee's productivity.
Employee Agreement: Many organizations require employees to sign a telework agreement. In general,
the agreement signifies that the employee understands the terms of the telework policy. Of course, these
agreements vary by organization. The toolkit includes a generic agreement.
There are two topics that, while they have particular significance for teleworkers, actually apply to all
Security Requirements: Each organization has different security requirements. These may include
computer security, anti-virus software, rules about email, what can be accessed over the organization's
network, what can be removed from the office, how computers can or cannot be used, etc. Security training
may be appropriate for all employees.
Records Maintenance: This may also be an appropriate training topic for all employees. In addition
to an organization's own policy about managing records and confidentiality, different types of organizations
are subject to different legal requirements. Employees that work from home are subject to the same rules as
those who work in the office.