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Telework & Ergonomics

Telework in the Military

  • The U.S. Navy Sets Sail with Ambitious Mobility Strategy (The Teleworker, May 2009)

    "The Navy's new programs include telework, which still is being tested, but has thus far been extremely successful; career intermission, a policy that allows personnel to take up to three years of personal leave and remain competitive through repositioning in the promotion line; and a Virtual Command Pilot."

  • Navy Testing the Telecommuting Waters (Military.com, 01/13/2009)

    "Oakes manages Navy manpower, personnel, training and education from the comfort of his suburban Pittsburgh home, making him a pioneer in a program Navy officials hope will allow scores of Sailors to work far from their command, saving the service money and, hopefully, retaining talented personnel."

  • Navy Tests Waters on Home-Based Work (Navy.mil, 12/30/2008)

    "The Navy announced the Virtual Command Pilot Program, allowing a select group of officers to work from home, even if their new assignment would normally require a permanent change of station."

Continuity of Operations & Disaster Preparedness

  • Continuity of Operations Planning (Ready.gov)

    "Consider if you can run the business from a different location or from your home."

  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning: The Basics (CSO Online, 05/07/2009)

    "All BC/DR plans need to encompass how employees will communicate, where they will go and how they will keep doing their jobs."

  • Continuity of Operations (Nextgov.com, 06/23/2008)

    "Telework, working remotely from home or another location, is another important aspect of COOP [continuity of operations plan]. Because a critical element of a continuity of operations plan is providing an alternate location from which to perform critical job tasks, allowing employees to telework often fulfills that requirement."

Taking Your Company Virtual

  • Keeping a Virtual Office On Task (BatchBlue.com, 03/03/2009)

    "All staff work out of remote locations (home offices, coffee shops, libraries, etc.), and our software product is developed and delivered over the web."

  • Working remotely: 1 firm's story (Business First of Buffalo, 09/12/2008)

    "Working remotely is nothing new for PremCom. In fact, we have encouraged our sales staff to come into the office as little as possible."

Telework & Economic Development

Telework Centers

About the Telework Pilot Project

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This page was last updated on June 1, 2009